Trenwa updates third location with new batch plant
Trenwa supplies its products throughout North America from its three manufacturing sites in the U.S. West, Midwest and South. Product quality is critical to its utility customers and others. The consistency and volume of SCC that the firm’s ACT batch plants produce is providing considerable benefits, including a boost to the bottom line.
The benefits of the batching accuracy and repeatability provided by the SmartMix countercurrent mixer and PLC-based SmartTouch controls include extreme water/cement ratio accuracy, reduced cement use, reduced waste, and product flexibility.
Keith Riggs, Trenwa President and son of co-founder Charles Riggs, believed strongly that the firm’s investments in plant modernization, including the purchase of ACT SmartMix batching systems for all three of its production facilities was the right decision.
More on ACT SmartMix Batching Systems at Trenwa’s new batch plant